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‘…how will I ever know if I have reached the horizon? There will always be a horizon waiting.’ 11 10 ’15 (diary notes)

 I am an artist based in Delhi, India, engaged in education, place-making, and situations of associative thinking and collaborating. I did sculpture in Bachelors and later moved to an intersection of mediums, new media and community/social practices that are configured to pursuit and confront the irregular shapes of Time and intimacy in capitalism. This involves conjuring artist gatherings, artist initiatives and peer spaces, staging conversational prompts and settings, overnight jamming sessions, time-senstitive vending machines, gifting live plants to question institutional temporality and intimacies, transmitting sound art over automated phone call and messaging groups, speculative fiction, multi-sensorial collaborative lexicons, video art, artist books, and so forth. My practice-based research into the speeding economy, politics of sleep, occupation and intimacy of night, gestation, time-valuations and techno-temporality has led into examining the vexed question- what is contemporary (from con- ‘together with’ + tempus, tempor- ‘time’) – a shared time and space withstanding the global politics of separation, corporate hegemony, social erosion and systemic crisis. Through modes of collaboration, place-making, and inter-webbed networks, I work to counter individualised ideas of artistic self and solitary practice, using strategies akin to infiltrating the various capitalist microspheres. An artist persona is developed who silently slips within monolithic, individualistic institutions, structures of art, and/or surrounding settled networks, propelling them into the shared grounds of unlikely solidarities and cross-pollinations. Over the years of practicing this artist persona and its configurations within the contemporary art milieu of Delhi, I have been actively involved, along side+with artist-friends and peers, in building the fabric of artist-run spaces, co-created practices, independent shows, gatherings, and provocations, and a shared pool of resources that are drawn from institutions and structures, redistributing them into emergent networks. 

I am formed with and through others, hence the artist-self is imagined as an ecosystem that exists in between spaces, webs, networks, transmitted conversations and within communities we engage with; as a lubricant, condensing and diluting, working with the frictions that various interactions with the world generate.

My studio, where I host gatherings, overlooks a dense urban forest and a university, and is as if always in a cusp between knowledge formation and unknown densities.

The technologies and schemas that private/public institutions capitalise through, are employed in my works– attempted by converting time into a currency in my work– KAIROI (2019-’24), a time-sensitive vending machine. Similarly, it’s seen in the collaborative practice -out-of-line-, that uses the disruptive and ubiquitous communication technologies of automated-calling & messaging systems to transmit sound/text works over lines–cables—signals– 


sonam (b. 1991)is an artist and educator based in New Delhi engaged in place-making and situations of associative thinking and collaborating. She works around understanding the ecology of Time within capitalist societies– the shift in temporal experiences while living with/in digital technologies, to withstand capitalist tendencies through artists’ collaborations, slow and intimate practices, and building communities and networks in South Asia. Her artistic practice involves an intersection of mediums: time (vending-)machine, video, artist books, artist gatherings, independent art initiatives, overnight jamming sessions, multi-sensorial collaborative lexicons, setting up automated phone-call and messaging groups, and more. 
sonam has her BFA from Faculty of Fine Arts– M.S. University, Baroda and MFA from Shiv Nadar University, Greater Noida. She is currently a visiting faculty at Shiv Nadar University (2024-). She has co-/initiated collaborative art spaces such as first draft–out-of-line–pixel:dust and terrace/6464, received the FICA Public Art Grant for –out-of-line–, Five Million Incidents grant for KAIROI and IFA Art Explorations grant for pixel:dust; she was Artreach India’s third teaching fellow in 2017. She has participated in exhibitions at Goethe-Insitut / Max Mueller Bhavan, Watermans Art Centre in London, Foundation for Indian Contemporary Art, India International Centre, IGNCA, Bikaner House, Mumbai Art Room, and others, and was an artist-in-residence at Kaalo.101 (Nepal), What About Art? (Mumbai), Utsha Foundation for Contemporary Art (Bhubaneswar), O.P. Jindal Global University (Sonipat) and Kammari Residency (Treis Elies, Cyprus). Her writings have been published at Performance Research Journal at Taylor & Francis, BMJ Global, Hakara Journal, Shared Ecologies, ASAP Fiction, Art India/Special Issue and others. She is also the founding member of the NGO- Jeevan Stambh Foundation started in 2020, and Artreach India’s AIM (Apprenticeships, Internships and Mentorships) Programmes manager.