{from Greek ‘the times’}
a time-sensitive vending machine
KAIROI is realised within the framework of Five Million Incidents 2019-2020 supported by Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan in collaboration with Raqs Media Collective. | Technical support: Banana House (New Delhi) | KAIROI website support: Ebaad Ansari
Current reproduction on display at Watermans Art Centre, London, UK till March 2024.

KAIROI is a time-sensitive vending machine that asks people to give their time instead of money as an input; one has to stand placing their finger on a sensor, and ‘spend’ time to get a snack/ product. Three machines were installed at Max Mueller Bhavan- New Delhi and Kolkata (India)(2019) and Watermans Art Centre (2023) where they accumulated 24 days, 7 hours and 1 minute of time from the users/ ‘consumers’. This duration was then put for auction on a website and this time was to be attained by bidding through non-monetary bids as acts/ happenings. People bid to occupy a selected duration with ideas, like ‘I will crazily dance behind closed doors’ / ‘read time backwards’ / ‘I will zentangle’, and whichever bid got the highest votes, won that duration of time which resulted in the winner performing their bid/ task.
With disproportionate and biased capitalist expansion, leading to feelings of isolation, we witness a drastic temporal-spatial shrinkage, where time has been commodified as a currency to be saved – precious, limited – in a society driven by newfound strategies of accumulation and monetization of time. Temporal shrinkage occurs in conjunction with spatial shrinkage, as spaces are designed to make consumption more compact, quick and accessible, as in supermarkets, malls, work from home jobs, e-commerce, and here, a vending machine. The products are mainly eatables that, rather than just being consumables, signify a moment in time, arousing feelings of nostalgia, homesickness and attachment.
KAIROI tries to hack into the accelerated mechanism by masquerading as a vending machine to create a slow, unoccupied recess for contemplation and recovery. The quantifiable measure of money stands disoriented in front of the qualitative volatile lived experience of time.
Display at Watermans Art Centre, London in 2023-’24:

Display at Goethe-Institut/ Max Mueller Bhavan, New Delhi and Kolkata in 2019-’20: