pixel:dust ~multiform lexicon~
edition 1/ Siu:Yeh (宵)~ by the screenlight*

An assemblage as an Artist-box consisting of artist books, objects, DIY origami, snacks, smell, playlists and more.

Responses by~ Merve Ertufan (Turkey), Oisin Moran (Ireland), Priyesh Gothwal (India), Merv Espina (Philippines), Suvani Suri (India)

2023 – ongoing

This is a Foundation Project implemented by India Foundation for the Arts (IFA) under the Arts Practice programme, made possible with support from Sony Pictures Entertainment Fund.

In the last two decades the usage and adaption of digital technologies have lead to shifts in the contemporary society at an unprecedented scale. They’ve not only superseded and infiltrated every aspect of our lives, but caused social, cultural, political, behavioural and biological changes and conditions we are trying to understand but our existing vocabulary, and the pace at which it is able to update, falls short to meet with the speed at which these changes are occurring.

The lexicon examines the dilation of time across a deferred night lit by digital technologies/ pixels. It looks at the endurance and exposure of the contemplative nighttime within a technocapitalist landscape, and how its textures and frictions can be understood through the multiple forms of articulation. The waking-time of night stimulates a spectrum of habits, social behaviour, cultural milieus and associations that are too obscure, fluctuating and fragile for our functional vocabulary to keep pace and hold onto. Pixel:dust forges a synesthetic lexicon as an assemblage of objects and media to approach this unevenly lit terrain of the night and its technorealities. It tries to make sense of the direct relationship, interplay and inconsistencies between technology, society and time of a pixelated night. Who inhabits and occupies whom?

There is a formulation and juxtaposition of two temporalities, of pixels- as the smallest visible unit of an image- and of dust particles gathering with time.

This is the first edition called Siu:yeh with a focus on the deferral of the night caused by digital technologies, with contributions from five artist-friends from different backgrounds and geographies, attempting at building the lexicon with their own contexts of practicing and associating with their specific social, cultural and political ambits.


Contents of the lexicon ~

As part of the project, there have been two late-night gatherings in New Delhi, India. One with first draft and another as a listening-party where people were invited to collaborate to a playlist of the night ~ Pink Noise

Documentation of both the gatherings **~